Uitslag KCM 2013

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Kampioensclubmatch NBCC 10 november 2013
Reuen: Mrs. Regina Blessing (D)
Teven: Mr. Haydn Platts (GB)
Aantal Bearded Collies: 83
1VB Boudicca Bouncing BumbleBeste Baby
2VB Faire des Amis I’m a Teddybear
3VB Royal Rascal Diamonds Intense
4B Faire des Amis I’m Little Joe
1VB Winsdale Empire
2B Casper van het Beardiehuijs
disk Seagull Buckingham Palace
1U Telling Tails Mister Universe
2U Midsummer Callum of Alambar
3U All Eyes On I have a Dream
4U Exclusive Diamond de Chester
ZG Happy Adventures Indiana Jones
ZG Blossom Bears Mr. President
1U No-Nonsense’s LordByron
2U Telling Tails One in a Million
1U Snugglebear Miene Vreund CAC-J/Beste Jeugd/CAC/BOB/Clubkampioen 2013
2U Ramsgrove Romancer
3U Babbacombe Dances with Wolves
4U Dazzystar’s Boogie Chillen
U Potterdale Dark Diamond
U Firstprizebears Letterman
U Dimpleton Pure Seduction
U Dimpleton Such a Flirt
U aithful Looking Two Unlimited
ZG Winsdale Devotion
ZG Snugglebear Pur’s Moelemunneke
ZG Viviannelund
Beardies Lothar ZG Viviannelund Beardies Lucky
./. Clan of Stork’s LasVegas
1U Ramsgrove Prime ThymeRCAC
2U Beardie Connections Kenji
1ZG Beardie Passion E’Sognare
1VB Royal Rascal Eau Mega
2VB Royal Rascal Forbidden Euphoria
3B Boudicca Belle Baby
4B Faire des Amis Something Special
./. Colepark Saxon Rose
1VB Chicky van het BeardiehuijsBeste Pup
2B Winsdale Exclusive
3B Winsdale Excellent
1U No-Nonsense’s LaBaronessa
2U Firstprizebears Jade Jagger
3U No-Nonsense’s Just for Fun
4U Snugglebear Beautiful Star
U Spirit of Caledonia White Satin
ZG Spirit of Caledonia Very British
ZG Quassea Brae Idyll
ZG Brenriga Wrapped in Silk
./. Something Else Glenmorangie the Quinta Ruban Sublime
1U Heron’s Place This is It
2ZG Sweet Briar’s Hayley
3ZG Sweet Briar’s Holly Kayla
4ZG Spirit of Caledonia Xtraordinary
1U Snugglebear Kiep Sjiek Blumpke CAC-J
2U Miner’s Lake Unforgiven
3U Something Else Hunique Histoire Hanour
4U Dorith von der Grabenmaus
U Happy Adventures Kindly Kimberly
U Happy Adventures Kiss me Quick
ZG Eyecatchingbears Angel Eye
ZG No-Nonsense’s Lovepotion
ZG Braemoor’s Simply an Angel
ZG Telling Tails Minnie Mouse’s Music
ZG Eyecatchingbears Ain’t She a Dream
ZG Viviannelund Beardies Lilith
G Dimpleton Simply Breathless
G Royal Rascal Proud Mary
./. Happiness of Blue Wonder
./. Royal Rascal SuzieQ
1U Babbacombe Songbird
2U Winsdale Design of Blue
3UA ll Eyes On Miss Daydream
4U Snugglebear Loves Adorable Pearly
1U Quassea Brae Just for Us CAC/BOS
2U Bushblades Ready to Rejoice RCAC
3U No-Nonsense’s Kalilah
4U Juliet’s Josetta v.d. Wollewuif
U Shetlanas Apple of my Eye
U Dazzystar’s a Groovy Kind of Love
U Diotima’s Sweet Heart at Ramsgrove
U Telling Tails Told you First
1U Something Else Samsara Shine CAC-V/Beste Veteraan